
170 Sad missing you quotes in hindi

 Sad missing you quotes in hindi

आज का हमारा पोस्ट  Sad missing you quotes in hindi के ऊपर है । मैं आज आप को कुछ  Sad missing you quotes in hindi की शायरी ओर बहुत sad शायरी सुनाने वाला हूँ ।

अगर आप भी  Sad missing you quotes in hindi को पसंद करते है तो हमारे वेबसाइट का नोटिफिकेशन on कर ताकि हम जब भी  Sad missing you quotes in hindi कि पोस्ट डेल रो सबसे पहले  आप को मिले ।

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

जिंदगी में गम चाहे जितने भी रहे, बस फिर से तुम्हारा साथ हमारे साथ रहे। – I Really Miss You

खुल जाता है तेरी यादों का बाजार सुबह-सुबह, और इसी रौनक में मेरा दिन गुज़र जाता है। – । Really Miss You

तुम्हारे बिना मुझे हर दिन सूना-सूना लगता हैं, तुमसे मिलने के लिए मेरे साथ-साथ यह दिल भी तुम्हारे इंतज़ार में बैठा हैं। – Miss You Jaan

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

भले ही तुझसे आज दूर हूँ पगली, लेकिन तेरी फिक्र करना मुझे आज भी अच्छा लगता है।

 कितना इंतज़ार और करना पड़ेगा हमें तुमसे मिलने के लिए यह तो बताओ, कब तक तुम्हारी तस्वीर देखते-देखते अपना दिन गुजारते रहेंगे हमें यह तो बताओ।

The wish is our only one now that we should meet him as soon as possible.

I wish they know how incomplete we feel without them.

We are longing to meet you very much, if there is even a little time, please come to meet us once.

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

I wish I could stop the time passing by, I could add every moment I passed with you, 

I don't know how many memories you gave us, I wish we could turn life back. – I Miss You So Much

I miss you a lot every day, just by looking at your picture, I cut my laughter every day.

gf ki yaad status

Miss You Status For Girlfriend In Hindi

Pagli, you do not get hiccups in the nights, don't know how much we miss you in our loneliness.

How do I prove that you miss a lot, realize that you do not understand and we do not know how to express it.

Whenever I miss you, then I keep my hand on my heart, because I know, you may not be found anywhere but you will definitely get it here.

I wish some such miracle happens so that you come back in my life again. – I Miss You

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

I have everything in life, but alas, I do not have only your side.

My life has become incomplete without you, it has become my compulsion to live with the help of your memories.

Every day I keep worrying about you, you come to me quickly, I miss you a lot.

Learned to be lonely, but will never be able to be happy, this heart will bear your distance, but will not be able to live without your love.

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Suppose you are far from me but you are also very close to my heart.

The only difference between you and your memory is that you come every time but your memory comes all the time.

Happiness is no longer with me, because you are not with me.

जिंदगी में गम चाहे जितने भी रहे, बस फिर से तुम्हारा साथ हमारे साथ रहे। – I Really Miss You

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

खुल जाता है तेरी यादों का बाजार सुबह-सुबह, और इसी रौनक में मेरा दिन गुज़र जाता है। – । Really Miss You

तुम्हारे बिना मुझे हर दिन सूना-सूना लगता हैं, तुमसे मिलने के लिए मेरे साथ-साथ यह दिल भी तुम्हारे इंतज़ार में बैठा हैं। – Miss You Jaan

भले ही तुझसे आज दूर हूँ पगली, लेकिन तेरी फिक्र करना मुझे आज भी अच्छा लगता है।

 कितना इंतज़ार और करना पड़ेगा हमें तुमसे मिलने के लिए यह तो बताओ, कब तक तुम्हारी तस्वीर देखते-देखते अपना दिन गुजारते रहेंगे हमें यह तो बताओ।

We remember many people, but if you tell the truth, you come the most.

Only tears can testify to me, how fondly my heart remembers you. - miss you darling

Sad missing you quotes in hindi

  What should we tell you about our condition, since the time we got separated from you, we have been weeping in our bad condition.

  What happened to you away from us, your memories started coming closer to us. – I Miss You

 Sad missing you quotes in hindi

Whenever we remember you, God swears with tears.

एक टिप्पणी भेजें

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